Feedback for A1 zijia Zeng (Chole)- yilin Chen

week 5

The sharing economy on online platforms presents a complex picture. While it has the potential to promote sustainability, provide income opportunities and increase resource efficiency, it also raises concerns about labor practices, economic inequality, service quality and privacy. As the sharing economy continues to grow, it is incumbent upon society to address these critical issues through responsible regulation, technological innovation and ethical business practices in order to realize its full potential and mitigate its drawbacks.

The emergence of the sharing economy has many benefits, such as providing opportunities for income generation, especially for those with surplus assets or skills. It can provide flexibility and independence as an alternative to traditional employment. This aspect of economic empowerment is particularly important in a rapidly changing job market. However, the quality and safety of services in the sharing economy can be inconsistent. The lack of standardized regulations and accountability mechanisms may lead to problems in terms of reliability, trust and security. Incidents of fraud, discrimination and low-quality services have been reported on various sharing platforms. For example, here’s an example of Airbnb. While vacationing in Florida with his spouse, Derek Starnes discovered a small opening in the smoke detector within their Airbnb accommodation. Upon removing it to inspect further, the couple from Indiana stumbled upon a concealed camera and microphone. Following the unfortunate incident, mirroring past Airbnb unsettling accounts, they promptly contacted law enforcement. Subsequently, the homeowner was apprehended by the police and faced charges related to video voyeurism. Ensure your safety with the use of these intelligent locks designed for Airbnb properties (Alexander, 2023).

According to the required reading, The sharing economy can lead to workers being left without protection and social rights (John, 2016). As an illustration, Uber runs a taxi-like service without taking into account licensing mandates, commercial insurance, driver background checks, vehicle examinations, and similar regulations. Uber is not bound by minimum wage or overtime regulations, and it isn’t mandated to offer its drivers any perks like healthcare or vacation benefits (Ahsan, 2020, p. 21). The sharing economy has many shortcomings. The primary issue is labor practices within these platforms. Health insurance and job stability make them vulnerable. In addition, the lack of regulatory oversight may lead to exploitative practices by platform operators. However, Uber, in its statement, acknowledged that it had initiated a pilot initiative to provide financial backing for driver education, adhering to the legal framework in the United States. Additionally, in the UK, Uber compensated drivers for completing online qualifications.


The paragraph offers a broad understanding of the sharing economy, emphasizing both its benefits and challenges. This holistic approach allows readers to see the entire picture of the sharing economy’s impacts on society. Next, The use of real-life examples, such as the Airbnb incident and Uber’s regulatory issues, makes the arguments more compelling and relatable. It not only illustrates the points made but also strengthens the credibility of the narrative. Also, the essay is structured logically, transitioning smoothly from highlighting the benefits of the sharing economy to discussing its challenges.

On the another hands, certain points, especially concerning labor practices and regulatory oversight, are reiterated multiple times throughout the passage, making it slightly repetitive. While the challenges of the sharing economy are highlighted well, there’s less focus on potential solutions. Expanding on how responsible regulation, technological innovation, and ethical business practices can address these issues would balance the discussion.

In conclusion, the paragraph does a commendable job at presenting a nuanced perspective on the sharing economy. With some refinement, particularly in consistency and depth, it can be even more impactful.

Week 2

The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, stands as a fundamental element of the contemporary era of information. Its emergence during the latter part of the 20th century brought about a complete transformation in the way individuals communicate, acquire information, and engage in commerce. Nevertheless, the intricate nature of the Web’s history, politics, and economy has undergone gradual changes, molding the digital terrain that is familiar to us in the present day.

The initial development of the World Wide Web promoted a sense of openness and freedom. Individuals have the liberty to openly share their viewpoints on the internet. It has become a platform for free thinking and information exchange across national borders, challenging traditional power structures. However, as the influence of the World Wide Web expands, relevant governments are also vigilant. Debates about censorship, privacy, and control have also emerged. Various nations have enforced varying degrees of internet control, leading to worries regarding surveillance and online liberty. Arguments about digital computers and the Internet restricting rather than promoting freedom are frequent ((Gillespie et al., 2014, p.196). China, for example, is a country that has implemented strict Internet regulation. The Chinese authorities have put in place an extensive system for censoring and regulating the Internet. The system prevents people in China from accessing many foreign websites and online platforms, including major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. As well as content deemed politically sensitive or detrimental to the government’s interests is not allowed to be accessed. The Chinese government actively monitors online activity and employs advanced filtering and surveillance technologies to manage and restrict the flow of information within the country. These Chinese Internet regulations have sparked discussions about freedom of information and digital privacy.

According to the reading, it mentions that the Internet is an indispensable medium and driving force for the formation of the new economy (Castells, 2003, p.56). There are many reasons for the formation of this viewpoint, such as, the Internet allows people to communicate and transact instantly, which has facilitated the expansion of markets and the exchange of goods, services and information on a global scale. The Internet has digitized various processes. This has led to the automation of many processes, streamlining production, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. The article also mentions that innovation plays a very important role in the Internet industry (Castells, 2003, p.56).


The paragraph offers an in-depth view of the evolution and significance of the World Wide Web, from its role in promoting open communication to the challenges of surveillance and censorship. Also, it offer the China example adds depth to the discussion about internet censorship, illustrating the real-world implications of governmental control on internet usage.

Also, it provide the transition from the Web’s openness to discussions on censorship and then to the economic significance of the internet is logical and coherent, leading the reader through a clear narrative. On the other hands, the statement “Arguments about digital computers and the Internet restricting rather than promoting freedom are frequent” could be clearer in its intention. It’s slightly ambiguous whether the author is agreeing with this sentiment or merely stating its existence. Next, the description of China’s internet regulation could be streamlined. Certain ideas, like the notion of censorship and monitoring, are repeated, which can be redundant.

In summary, the paragraph is informative and delves deeply into the World Wide Web’s role in modern society. With a bit more clarity and inclusion of diverse viewpoints, it can be an even more robust analysis.